Sunday, July 10, 2011

LBD: Little Black Dress

 LBD: A wardrobe essential

Yesterday, I picked up this LBD in H&M for only €14.95 I love it!   

This dress has inspired me to do a post on LBD's and why every girl should own one!

An LBD or Little Black Dress is a wardrobe must have. It is so versatile and can be used for nearly every occasion. You can forever rely on your LBD it is a really timeless piece of clothing and it will never go out of style.
Imagine your little black dress as a blank canvas, you can dress it down or up depending your age, the event or your mood. For example, paired with a jacket or flats for daytime or with more ornate jewellery and accessories for evening time. There are so many different shapes and styles of LBD's so you're sure to find one that suits you.

Jewellery and shoes are the easiest way of transforming your little black dress. Your options are endless, but you can guarantee that it is the most reliable thing in your wardrobe and you will always find yourself going back to it.

Some LBD quotes:

You can wear black at any time.
You can wear it at any age.
You may wear it to almost any occasion.
A little black frock is essential to a woman's wardrobe.”
-Christian Dior-

The black dress is the embodiment of women's power. It's very stark, direct, and to the point.”
-Alexander Mc Queen-

Hope you liked!
Until next time...
Laura :)

Saturday, July 2, 2011

The 8 Week No Heat Challenge!

I have decided to take on the 8 week no heat challenge. This entails using absolutely no heat on your hair for 8 whole weeks.
My hopes are that by the end of the challenge, my hair won't be damaged, and that it will also be longer and in better condition. I have started by trimming my hair by half an inch.
To help me along, I am going to use hair growth shampoo, eat food that encourages hair growth and I am going to take hair supplements.

At the moment, my hair is 38cm from root to tip and it reaches just around my armpits.

(This picture is of my hair when it's wet, because it's hard to tell how long it is when it dries) 

(my hair when dry)

I will be doing a more detailed post about the products I am using and the food I am eating.

Until next time...
Laura :)

Saturday, June 25, 2011

When Life Gives You Lemons...Dye Your Hair!

Hi everyone!
So I had heard about how you could lighten your hair with lemons and yesterday I decided to give it a shot!

      You will need:
  • Lemons
  • Juicer
  • Water
  • Bowl
  • Sunshine
  • Towel
 Now, here's what you do:
Firstly, you need to decide how many lemons you will need to use
for short hair, 1-2 lemons
for medium hair, 2-3 lemons
for long hair 3-4 lemons

Next, you juice your lemons

Remove any seeds/bits and pour the juice into a bowl then add some water until there is enough of the mixture to cover your hair (I used 4 tablespoons) Be careful not to dilute it too much or else the mixture won't be strong enough to lighten your hair!

After you have done that, pour the mixture over your hair covering from root to tip. I went outside for this step and I wore a towel around my shoulders.

Then all you have to do if sit out in the sun until your hair is dry! When it does dry completely I washed my hair and let it dry naturally! Easy Peasy!

Then all you have to do is enjoy your new lightened hair :)

My hair before:

My hair after:

So as you can see, there is a noticible difference! I'm really happy with the results and it is supposed to last for a little more than a month.

Hope you enjoyed,

Until next time...
Laura :)

*This method mightn't work on everyone, but it's worth a try! You would get better results if you have blonde/light brown hair.*

Saturday, June 18, 2011

Haul: Penneys, H&M and Boots!

Hello everyone! This post is just about a few things I picked up in Boots, H&M and Penneys.

First, I went to Penneys, here I got:

9 pack of earrings for €2:
I love this selection of earrings, they are all really cute and wearable, because I know sometimes when you buy a multi pack of earrings, you can end up not liking a few!

St Moriz Instant Tan for €4:
I had heard a few good reviews about this tan so I picked it up as I had nothing to lose (it was only €4!) I am liking it so far, but I think I will do an in-depth review after I have been using it for a while (keep your eyes peeled for that blogpost!)

Lastly I bought a skinny belt for €1.50:
I had wanted one of these for ages, but they didn't have my size (S/M). I love this belt, it's very versatile and can be worn with nearly any outfit! It can make an outfit look casual or dressy :)

Secondly, I went to Boots, here I bought:

Rimmel Lycra Pro Nail Polish in the colour white orchid for €6.99:
I adore this nail polish, personally I hate my nails when they're not painted, and I love wearing this colour on a day to day basis, it's really natural and it just gives your nails a pearly shine. Also, this nail polish has a maxi brush (extra wide) so you can paint your full nail in one stroke! (really handy when you're in a hurry!)

Then I bought a Boots Essentials cucumber face wash for €2.39:
This is good face wash if you're on a budget, it cleanses all traces of makeup and leaves my skin feeling smooth and soft, which I thought was a great result especially for the price!

Next... these are the clothes I picked up in Penneys and H&M:

Mickey Mouse T-Shirt: Penneys for €6:

Sunset T-Shirt: Penneys for €3

Pink Swimsuit: Penneys for €10

Jeans: H&M for €12.95

I know that this was a very picture heavy post but I hope you enjoyed!

Until next time...
Laura :) 

Monday, June 13, 2011

13 Personal Questions Tag!

So I have another tag post!
I was tagged by the lovely Celia (check out her brilliant blog at This tag is just a few personal questions and I hope you enjoy :)

Q1. What do you order at Starbucks?
Coffee Frappuccino, everytime! I love them with whipped cream and lots of chocolate :)

Q2. Whats one thing in your closet you can't live without?
I could not live without... plain tank tops, they are very versatile and can be either casual or dressy.

Q3. What is one thing most people don't know about you?
Hmmm... I'm going to say that I get obsessed with the smallest things (I think I have a mild case of OCD) for example, I can't watch the TV if the volume is on an odd number :L

Q4.  Whats the one thing you want to do before you die?
Travel the world, I want to experience a many countries as I can before I die.

Q5. What's one food you can't live without?
Potatoes :) I have them every single night with lots of butter.

Q6. What's one quote that you live your life by?
My all time favourite quote is:
'Do what you want and say what you feel because those who mind don't matter and those who matter don't mind' I don't know where it's from but I think this quote says alot.

Q7. What do you like and dislike about the Youtube community.
I'm not on Youtube but by just watching videos, I'd say that a thing I like is how close everybody is and how much you can learn from other people (It's like a very big family!) The thing I dislike is the amount of pointless hate and the stupid haters who waste their time being jealous of people and writing nasty/unnessacary comments.

Q8. What's your number 1 on your ipod?
I would say, at the moment, Swedish House Mafia-Save the World
Q9. What kind of style would you describe yourself as having?
I think my style is unique and casual.

Q10. Favourite number?

Q11.  Two hobbies?
Listening to music and blogging (sometimes I do them both at the same time!!)

Q12. Two pet peeves?
My first would have to be that when I'm sleeping, the only thing that isn't covered is my head, I have this fear that if I put my arm/leg outside the duvet, I will get attacked! (Thank you, Paranormal Activity) and my second would be annoying sales assistants in shops bugging you with aload of questions and just hovering around you, watching your every move. (i know it's their job, but BACK OFF!)

Q13. Your guilty pleasure?
Jersey Shore :S I love it sooo much!

Hope you liked :) Again I thank Celia for tagging me and now I tag everyone who reads this :)

Until next time...
Laura :)

Tuesday, June 7, 2011


Here's what I wore today!

Brown and White Stripey Top: H&M 

I love this top because of the ruched sleeves and also they are abit longer in length than a normal t-shirt.

Skinny Jeans: Next 

Suede Beige Boots: Penneys

3-in-1 Necklace: Topshop

Hope you liked!

Until next time...
Laura :)

Wednesday, June 1, 2011

May Favourites 2011

Here are my favourites for the month of may!

St Moriz Instant Tan:
I love this! It's really natural and easy to apply. It washes off easily and no streaks! I would suggest wearing gloves when applying it because it can get abit messy, but overall a very good product. Available from Penneys for €4

Wella Hairspray:
I usually use Elnett, but I thought I would try this out. It has long staying power, so you don't have to worry about your hair moving an inch! Gives your hair a nice shine and brushes out easily. It also has a nice smell! Available from Boots for €5-6

Botanics Toner:
I had used other toners in the past and found that they dried out my skin. This toner is completely natural and the main ingredient is rosewater so it doesn't dry out my skin yet it still leaves it feeling squeaky clean and smooth! Available from Boots for €5.95

Next foot scrub and lotion:
These products are a great treat for your feet! And if you're lazy like me... you'll love this. I use the scrub to exfoliate my feet and then I slather on aload of the lotion, and wear the socks overnight, so in the morning your feet feel AMAZING! Available from Next for €10

Wooden Wide-Toothed Comb:
I knew that brushing your hair when it's wet isn't good for it, so I started using this, because it is made of wood and because the teeth are far apart-it doesn't damage your hair. I also like to use it when I'm washing my hair to distribute the shampoo and conditioner evenly from root to tip! Available in Boots for €2.99

Clean & Clear Spot Treatment Gel:

This is one of my holy grail products! Everytime i feel a spot coming on I just dab abit on and within a few hours the spots redness and size has noticeably reduced. Also this product contains alcohol, which helps dry out the spot quickly. I would definitely recommend this! Available from Boots for €5.50

Hope you enjoyed!

Until next time...
Laura :)